How To Fly A 2020 Presidential Campaign Flag On Your Vehicle

If you plan to support your 2020 presidential candidate with a flag on your vehicle this summer, placing a high clearance flag pole on your SUV is the safest way. Showing your political support for a party is perfectly legal, as long as you mind a few rules for displaying political flags. 

Here's what you need to know if you plan on displaying a presidential campaign flag on your summer vacation travels this year.

When Can You Fly a Political Flag

A few Americans had a surprise when they recently hoisted flags in their backyards to support Republican or Democratic presidential candidates. Publicly supporting a candidate is a First Amendment right. Many Americans support this right with presidential car banners and signs on their property.

Some residents, however, were found to be in contravention of local city ordinances. Each city can set its own flag-waving rules. In many cities, a political flag can only be flown for so many days before and after a campaign. But city and state political flag rules vary, so be sure to check your local laws. These laws may or may not affect political flags flown on your car. 

Where Can You Fly a Political Flag

The most commonly flown flag is the American flag. And most people fly it solo. If flying more than one flag together, you should be aware of certain rules. 

If you have two flag pole hitches on your car, there are rules for the arrangement of the American flag when flying it side-by-side with other flags. The American flag is placed on the left side. If you fly three flag pole hitches and the center hitch is higher, the American flag should be placed in the middle. 

Can a Political Flag Be Flown With An American Flag?

Across the nation, it's illegal to fly an advertising flag on the same pole as an American flag. Otherwise, as long as you follow flag etiquette for vehicles, you can freely support your candidates. 

When flying your political or other flags, you want to ensure you do not obstruct your own view or that of other drivers. If you avoid an overly large flag, you should have no problems. A high clearance flag pole hitch ensures the driver's view is not obstructed. If the flag is too large and obstructs the view of drivers, you could be pulled over by law enforcement. 
